April 13th / 10am
Arguably our favorite day of the year - Jax Purple Parade is a joyous way to bring together our community for awareness and fundraising to fight Alzheimer's Disease. The parade begins at Fleet Landing in Atlantic Beach and snakes its way through the streets, ending at ABBQ for a mimosa celebration. Here's how to get involved:
Follow The Parade
Enjoy a morning with your family in beautiful Atlantic Beach. Check out the route and pick your favorite spot to watch the parade of purple go by! Live on the route? Decorate your yard with purple and invite your friends!
Join The Parade
Follow the steps below
Register As Our Team Member
Register HERE (click 'join our team' and follow the prompts) to donate or fundraise for the suggested donation to participate in the parade of $200. Don't feel like shelling out the cash or putting in fundraising efforts? Ask whoever is riding with you in the parade to contribute a little bit and see how far you get!

Make it Purple!
There are prizes for the best decorated, most purple + most spirited participants, so don't be shy! Make sure you complete the two tasks above or you won't be fully registered and someone may steal your spot. Any questions, feel free to email Lindsay!
Bring your purple car and park in the North Point parking lot (6000 building) in Fleet Landing at 9am on Saturday, April 13th for a prompt 10am start!
Post Parade Fun
Make sure to join us at ABBQ post parade for a few mimosas, high fives and hugs because you were just a part of an incredible event that is helping SO MANY wonderful people in our very own community.